How does the VPN Protect your Broadband Connection from Viruses?

Unknown to some, as you are browsing the net, ‘big brother’ is always watching your browsing history. While this may not always lead to misuse of your data, it is definitely intrusive. But with more and more people working from home now, their browsing history can become targeted for malicious attacks or even stolen. This is where VPNs come in.
Virtual Private Networks or VPNs are your saviors here as they allow you to browse data through a private and secure server so your browsing cannot be accessed. This becomes especially useful for employees who need to remotely access their office system for retrieving local files.
How A VPN works
A VPN provides a secure internet connection between the user and the website they are accessing through a process called ‘tunneling’. The data exchanged over this connection becomes encapsulated and encrypted, making it inaccessible to ‘eavesdroppers’. To achieve this, you either have to access your website through a VPN website or open a VPN portal on your system, which can be a computer, a tablet or a smart phone. The end result is that by connecting to a secure private VPN server, your true IP address gets camouflaged and you appear to be on a secondary network.
Another important safety feature with VPNs for broadband connection is the ‘Kill switch’. This automatically cuts off your broadband connection if the VPN connection goes off for any reason, keeping your data safe.
Types of VPN
A VPN broadband connection in the corporate sector allows its employees to access local files remotely by installing VPN technology into their laptops or devices that they use to access secure information. Only a few of the modern home routers also support VPN technology, so choose your router carefully to get the maximum security advantage out of it.
When it comes to choosing a VPN, you have two options – you can easily buy a VPN which comes at an affordable monthly rental or you could opt for free VPNs. Some of the free VPNs include Shrew Soft, Comodo Unite and the basic version of Hamachi.