Do Multiple Devices Affect Internet Speed?

Theoretically, multiple devices connected to Wi-Fi doesn’t slow down the internet speed. But in practice, more the number of devices are connected to the internet, the bandwidth is being shared thus affecting the speed. Here, if you are closer to the access point, then obviously your bandwidth should be higher than someone who is far away.
Leased Line Connection Vs Broadband Connection

Both leased line connection and broadband offers internet access at a fixed subscription charge. The major differences between a leased line connection (ILL) and Broadband connection are (1) A leased line connection is a dedicated connection between your residence and local exchange. The bandwidth for a leased line connection will be fixed with identical speed for uploads and downloads and doesn’t fluctuate in contention with other users (2) Broadband connection is not a dedicated connection between your residence and local exchange. The bandwidth is variable with faster speed for downloads than for uploads and subject to fluctuation in contention with other users.
Internet Connection in Kerala

Asianet Broadband is the largest and the most effective internet service provider in Kerala. Having been around since 1993, it provides the best internet connections in Kerala and has become a household name. With a customer base that has gone well over 170,000 subscribers, Asianet Broadband is considered among the top 20 ISPs in India.
Difference between DSL and ADSL

Broadband internet is the most widely used form of Internet connection because of its efficiency and high speed. DSL is the generic term for Digital Subscriber Line Services while ADSL is just one of its types. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) denotes an internet that uses digital connections between a modem and a phone line. ADSL means Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line where the speed of data sent is known as upstream and data received is known as downstream. Both are internet high-speed connections that can work on your existing telephone line. There is no need to upgrade your telephone connection for using both these types of services. Apart from this, both DSL and ADSL do not interfere with your telephone service and can be used simultaneously without any issues.
Download vs Upload speed

In simple words, download speed is the rate at which data is transferred from the Internet to the local computer whereas upload speed is the rate at which data is transferred from local computer to the Internet. In general, internet connections are designed in such a way to download faster than upload since most of the online activities like live streaming, loading web pages involves download speed. It also gives the facility to download movies, songs and other documents quickly.
What is a good upload speed?

Internet speed is usually defined as how fast your connection sends and receives data. Internet speeds are of two types, download and upload speed. Download speed is the rate at which you download data. Similarly, Upload speed is the rate at which you upload data. As per the industry standards, good upload speed is defined as 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. Generally, a connection around these speeds should satisfy the requirements of the customers provided there are no interruptions in between.
What is FTTH?

FTTH or Fiber to the Home is a technology used to deliver communication signal over optical fibre from the operator’s switching equipment to a home or business thereby replacing existing copper cables such as telephone wires and coaxial cables. This is an advanced and fast-growing method of providing higher bandwidth internet access to home consumers and businesses thereby enabling more efficient internet services. Though fibre has got speed and reliability, it is far more expensive than a standard DSL connection.
Types of Broadband Connections

The term Broadband generally refers to a high-speed internet connection. It is that connection which offers a faster means to connect to the internet. Broadband is not only the fastest but the most truly used internet connection especially because of its high access speeds. It is available in four different forms– DSL or Digital Subscriber Line, fiber-optic, wireless, cable, satellite and Broadband over Powerlines (BPL).
What is DSL?

Home Smartphone Internet Usage Grows

India is considered to be one of the largest and fastest-growing markets for digital consumers according to a report published by McKinsey Global institute in 2018 with 560 million Internet subscribers in 2018, second only to China. Internet users in India are expected to increase by 40 percent between 750 – 800 million and the number of smartphones to double and reach between 650 – 700 million by 2023.