Broadband or Mobile Data More Advantageous

Fixed Broadband offers you unlimited internet access with a decent speed. On the other hand, if your usage is less, then mobile data packs may be suitable for you. Again, if you are consistently moving around, Broadband will not benefit you. But If you are fine with fixed services, then wired broadband will be more suitable for you than using mobile internet packs. An important point to note here is that if there is no coverage in your area, mobile internet pack will prove to be a total waste.
What Is Unlimited Broadband?

Unlimited broadband refers to an internet package without any restriction on internet usage. However, unlimited broadband packages are likely to impose a traffic management policy. Such policies restrict the amount of data that you can download on a day or decrease the download speed during peak hours.
What Are the Limits of the Internet?

In today’s modern world, the Internet has become the most important medium of communication and information exchange both for personal as well as business interactions. Millions of people all over the world use the Internet for exploring information, accessing and exchanging information, enjoying multimedia communications, buying, selling and keeping in touch with family and friends worldwide.
Advantages of 5g Wireless Network Across the World

5G is the fifth generation of the wireless network that is expected to be launched in India and the rest of the world in 2020. 5G will be a combination of the existing technologies like GSM, Wi-Fi, LTE, and the new radio access technologies. The major change that 5G brings will be higher capacity and higher broadband density to the customers. Many computers and users will be able to access the internet simultaneously at a very high rate. The telecommunication sector is also likely to benefit from the 5G network as it will enable better usage of smartphones by increasing their speed.
8k Video Devices Hitting the Market

A couple of years back, 8K seemed like more of a dream or a resolution no one had yet to ask for. It has become a reality now and many leading brands have launched 8K televisions. Television manufacturers like Samsung, Toshiba, Hisense, and LG are coming with stunning models that are expected to be released this year.
Difference between broadband and high-speed Internet

Broadband generally refers to high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the dial-up access connection. In Broadband, there are several high-speed transmission technologies like Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), fiber-optic, cable and satellite. Among these, the newest and fastest Internet connection is fiber-optic but the service areas are quite limited because of the delay in laying fiber-optic cable. So, Broadband literally means a bandwidth that is broad enough to handle a huge amount of data at the same time.
DSL Vs Cable

DSL Internet refers to high-speed internet access which uses existing copper telephone lines to transmit data. On the other hand, cable internet is high-speed broadband internet that makes use of a cable modem and a coaxial cable, similar to the wiring that feeds into your television set.
Is it illegal to access dark Web from India?

Dark Web is usually referred to as World Wide Web content that exists on the darknets, overlay networks that use the Internet but requires specific software, or configuration to access it. Dark Web, sometimes mistakenly referred to the as deep web, is also that part of Web not indexed by Search Engines.
Can we increase upload speed for streaming?

First of all, let’s differentiate between upload speed and download speed. Download speed refers to the rate at which data is transferred from the internet to the user’s computer. At the same time, upload speed is the rate at which data is transferred from the local computer to the internet. More often, service providers set the default setting to download speed than upload speed. The primary reason is that most of the users have more download needs like downloading movies, songs and a large number of documents from the internet.
What is Wireless Networking?

The internet has come a long way from the 1960s when its use was confined to just the military and academia. With further developments in associated technologies, the internet has revolutionized the way the world works. It has taken over almost every hemisphere of contemporary living and is set to evolve even further.