What is a Wireless Modem?

A modem is a hardware device which is used to convert data so that it can be transmitted from one computer to another over the analogue signals of telephone wires. Also known as broadband termination units, modems are used to produce signals that can be easily transmitted and decoded at the other end, to reproduce the same original data.
Online Payment Services

Online payment services or electronic payment services are part of the e-payment system where payments for goods or monetary transactions are done through an electronic medium without the use of physical cash or checks.
Internet Safety Facts Everyone Should Know

With the internet becoming an integral part of daily life, it’s essential you use it safely and responsibly. It comes with its own share of pitfalls and drawbacks for which you need to be fully prepared. Here are some internet safety facts you should know.
Positive Impacts of the Internet

The internet is a large network of networks that connects humanity at a global level. As of today, the internet has become an indisputable part of daily life and impacts almost all spheres of man’s activities. Like everything else, it does have its disadvantages, but when used wisely, the positive impacts of the internet far outweigh the negative impacts.
What is Internet Usage Policy?

Most businesses these days provide internet access to their employees to assist with their work-related activities. This network could be available on the office computer, laptop or mobile device. However since there is a real danger of misuse and abuse of the workplace internet network, most employers provide an internet usage policy that provides clear guidelines on the dos and don’ts of using the company’s internet-related equipment, network and internet access.
How to make Safe Online Payments

With the whole world coming under the umbrella of the global network, many things have been changing at a rapid rate. With factors like education, medical care, businesses and shopping going online, there has been a glaring need for safe digital payment options too.
Effects of the Internet on Society

The internet is the guiding technology of the IT Age just as the electrical engine was of the Industrial Age. The internet is a global network of inter-linked networks that mainly provide wireless interactive communication. Though the internet was first deployed in 1969, it was only in the 1990s that it became available to the public.
The Use of Internet in Education

The advent of the internet in the last century introduced advantages in almost every sector. It not only brought improvements in communication and entertainment but also in the education sector. The Internet has been a boon in the field of education as it provides speedy access to the latest information that might not always be found after spending laborious hours in musty libraries. But with the internet, all it takes is the pressing of a few buttons and you get access to tons of information on almost anything under the sun. Here’s a look at the advantages of the internet in the education sector:
How does a Wi-Fi Connection Work?

Most computers use Wi-Fi but users know very little about it. A little background knowledge doesn’t go amiss, but will help you utilize your internet connection better. Wi-Fi wireless network technology uses radio waves, just like your radios, TVs and mobile phones, but with a small difference.
The Positives of Social Media

The internet has opened up the world and made it into a global village. Digital technology is being applied in almost every sphere of life, social media notwithstanding. While social networking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it definitely cannot be ignored. There are multiple angles to look at it from and while some are of the opinion that social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are an evil force, in actuality, there are a number of positives associated with them.