How to Fix Wi-fi Authentication Problems

authentication problem wifi

Most people can vibe with the problem of being unable to connect to the Wi-Fi at one time or the other. Smartphone owners would have had occasions when their devices couldn’t connect to a regularly-used Wi-Fi server and received a message for authentication error instead. However, this problem can be solved very easily.

How to Protect Your Credit Card Online

ways to prevent credit card

Shopping online has become a favorite way to buy everything you need from the comfort of your couch. This convenience however does come with riders as there may be hackers hiding behind the screen, just waiting for an opportunity to access your credit card details to commit fraud! Nevertheless, there are some simple ways to protect your online credit card transactions and keep your credit card details safe. Here’s a look at some solutions:

Is it Safe to Use Public Wi-Fi?

Use of Public Wi Fi

For those on the move, the convenience of having access to public Wi-Fi networks appears to be a boon. Public spaces like railway stations, airports, parks, cafes, hotels, etc., offer this facility for those who want to stay connected wherever they are.

What is a Scam?

what is a scam

A scam is a way of deceiving individuals, organizations or even the government, using a fraudulent scheme to gather sensitive information. This information can be in the form of passwords, credit card details, bank details, national ID details, personal data, photos, etc., all of which can be misused by scammers. The victims are usually those that are vulnerable and easy to manipulate into handing over their essential data, either willingly or unknowingly.

How to Make a PC Wi-Fi Hotspot Without Router

pc wifi hotspot

You can easily turn your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot with its built-in features. Though there might be slight variations in the method of creating a hotspot, whether you are using Windows 8, 10 or 11, the basic procedure remains similar. Windows comes with a hidden virtual Wi-Fi adaptor feature that allows you to create a Wi-Fi hotspot even while your device is connected to another internet network via an Ethernet or wireless router. So you won’t need a router password to connect other devices to the internet.

What is Keystroke Logging?

keystroke logging

Keystroke logging, also known as keystroke capturing, is the act of covert recording of the keys struck on a keyboard by the user. With this technique, people with nefarious intentions can easily monitor and record every stroke of the keyboard. This method can be used to illegitimately harvest login credentials or important documents for fraudulent purposes. It can also be used for legitimate purposes like monitoring online activities of employees to ensure productivity and detect unauthorized access to sensitive information.

What Wi-Fi Speed is Good for Gaming

best internet for gaming

Play and leisure activities are increasingly going online, with the internet playing a major role. For those into gaming, consistent highspeed and reliable internet connections with minimal latency are essential. In such a scenario, fiberoptic internet connections are best for the modern-day gaming landscape.

Are Wi-Fi Towers Dangerous

wi-fi towers dangerous

There have been questions raised around the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to Wi-Fi towers. With the glaring omnipresence of these towers within cities and rural landscapes, these questions have been around for a long period now and form an area of concern for the public. So, here’s some information to break the myths surrounding this concern:

Will Wi-Fi Work in Airplane Mode?

wifi on airplane

Airplane mode, also known as flight mode, is applied when on a flight, in compliance with aviation regulations. This ensures that wireless signals from electronic devices do not interfere with the airplane’s navigation and communication systems. Smart mobile phones and other internet-enabled devices come with a setting that enables users to turn off its internet connection. Once you enable airplane mode on your device, it disables all wireless communication functions utilizing LTE, 4G or 5G for calling, texting, GPS and accessing data for emailing or surfing the net.

What is a Computer Worm?

worms in cyber security

Computer users need to beware of malicious malware like computer worms which can spread across computer networks by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in their operating systems or network protocol. Unlike viruses which require a host file to propagate, computer worms have the unique ability to self-replicate and spread autonomously to other systems connected to the same network or internet. In a very short time, there can be an exponential growth in the number of infected systems this way. Computer worms can employ various attack vectors to infect systems including some of the following: