What does the term ‘Broadband’ and its Technologies Mean?

What does the term ‘Broadband' Mean

The term broadband refers to high-speed data transmission that is faster than the traditional dial-up system. This type of data transmission can carry large amounts of data via a single channel at a given time and needs a single medium (cable or wire).Broadband transmissions use different types of high-speed technologies including the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) cable modems (which use existing phone lines for internet transmission), coaxial cable modems (where cable TV connections are used in conjunction with broadband internet), fiber-optic technology as well as broadband over power lines (BPL).

Distinguish between Broadband and DSL Connections

Difference between Broadband and DSL Connections

As the internet world is flying by leaps and bounds every year, you need to make sure that when it’s time for you to get your own connection, it’s at par with the latest technology in order to have access to high-speed, hassle-free internet services.

South Korea – The Country with the Fastest Broadband Facility

The Country with the Fastest Broadband Facility

South Korea is the clear leader when it comes to broadband internet connection, having the world’s fastest internet connectivity. With about 45 million people (or 92.4% of the population) being hooked up to the internet, the nation displays a substantial relationship with its digital space. Aside from the speed, the country also offers the cheapest broadband in the world, marking the capital Seoul as ‘the bandwidth capital of the world’.

What are 2G, 3G and 4G Networks?

What are 2G, 3G and 4G Networks? - Asianet Broadband

The wireless option for internet data has been adopted far and wide in India with companies offering 2G, 3G and 4G speeds to their subscribers. Over 75% of Indian internet users are believed to access data over mobile devices, with the craze for hand-held internet devices increasing by leaps and bounds. However, most of them have issues with the internet speeds being offered under the guise of 3G or 4G.

Which is the most Reliable and Consistent Connection Source of Internet?

Internet Connection

Having a consistently reliable source of internet is becoming increasingly important with most people spending a lot of time online. In their quest for a reliable source of internet, many users keep hopping from one Internet Service Provider (ISP) to another without really knowing what the basic problem is. Hooking up with the right ISP makes a big difference in your levels of happiness or frustration as you don’t have to spend long hours waiting for data transfers.

What are the Different Kinds of Internet Connections?

Different Kinds Of Internet Connections

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and so is the internet speed to complement it. An increasing number of devices are now connecting to the internet and faster internet speeds is the need of the hour. Different ways of accessing the internet have also been evolving over the years, however as with all things, there are some pros and cons related to these different kinds of internet connections. Let’s take a closer look at some of the different ways of accessing the internet today:

How and when did Internet come into Existence?

when did Internet come into Existence

The advent of the internet revolutionized the world of computers and communications incomparably. Today, it is represented as one of the most successful products of sustained investment and commitment towards research and development in information structure. The internet has the ability for world-wide broadcasting, a mechanism to disseminate information as well as serve as a medium for collaboration between computers, irrespective of their geographical location.

Wired Connections and Optical Fiber Connections

Wired Connections and Optical Fiber Connections

With technology gaining the upper-hand in almost all aspects of our lives, it is becoming increasingly important to know more about the different ways you can access the internet, a feature in our life that is increasingly keeping us connected to our work, family, social life, communication, news, education, entertainment, business, important information, etc.

Wi-Fi and Wireless Broadband – are they the same?

Wi-Fi and Wireless Broadband are they the same

For some time now, the words Wi-Fi and wireless broadband have been used to mean the same thing, which is grossly wrong. With the world evolving so fast in internet technologies, it’s only right that the correct nomenclature is used to prevent any confusion in the future.

Why are we Popular in the Broadband Business?

Positive Impact of Internet - Asianet Broadband

Asianet Broadband is the pioneering home-grown internet service provider that has been around in Kerala since 1993. Along with the internet broadband services, Asianet Communications also offers Asianet cable TV services, both of which are delivered through coaxial cables to your homes and offices. Majority of people who opt for Asianet broadband services also use Asianet cable TV for home entertainment as there are more freebies that are available when both services are availed from the same provider.