Is Wi-Fi Harmful to Humans?

Is Wi-Fi Harmful to Humans

Let’s face it; humans are very insecure creatures, with death being the glaring root cause of most of their fears. And when it comes to looking for potential causes for deaths or ill-health, there is no dearth in possible culprits. Wi-Fi is no less a raging topic when it comes to its effects on human beings.

You will find numerous articles stating so-called ‘facts and figures’ on a plethora of side-effects ranging from infertility, insomnia to hyperactivity and cancer. There are laughable posts on social networking websites propagating this fear and presenting Wi-Fi as a silent marauder lurking in the shadows waiting to strike with its mind-boggling cancer-producing abilities!

The basic psychology behind this propaganda is that humans like to be in control of all that surrounds them, but death forestalls them. By propagating possible reasons that could lead to death, humans feel as if they have conquered part of the ‘unknown’ harbinger of death, and hence feel better about their immortality, or rather lack of!

As an example, you can look at the incidence of mobile phone usage over the past twenty years. Over four billion people use these Wi-Fi enabled phones, yet the incidence of brain tumors have remained unchanged! Although the World Health Organization recognizes the public’s concern over radiation posing health hazards, numerous studies have been conducted and all seem to show the same result that electromagnetic radiations between 0-300GHz do not pose any negative health hazards. In fact there are a set of safety standards put in place for all devices that emit electromagnetic radiation; these limits ensure that the exposure that you get from your Wi-Fi enabled devices is way, way below the safety limits.

Being on the judicious side, the British Health Agency has stated that even though there is no consistent evidence to indicate that Wi-Fi affect health adversely, to be on the precautionary side, the matter should be kept under ongoing review…

However, not to get carried away, let’s talk about radiation; though the word itself is scary and brings back memories of the Cold War era when people had backyard bomb shelters, radiation isn’t only about death and oceans and lands becoming inhabitable. It’s also about warm, golden sunshine which makes life possible on earth. It’s also the way we can tune into our wireless radios or change channels on TV.

Basically what it boils down to is ionizing and non-ionizing radiation of which ionizing is dangerous and includes the x-ray radiation, gamma radiation, UV radiation, etc, with the key element being the wavelength. However, there is no biologic mechanism by which non-ionizing radiation (read Wi-Fi) can cause harm.
Maybe it’s time the naysayers got wiser now and concentrated on real threats to life – like going for annual health check-ups and staying off the phone while driving!

When should you take up a Prepaid Broadband Connection?

When should you take up a Prepaid Broadband Connection

There is no denying the fact that broadband internet has taken over our lives irrevocably. We depend on it for everything from checking out a new recipe for paying your bills online or staying in touch with friends and family. Just like the phone had become an indispensable part of our lives earlier, it’s the broadband that’s the latest technology to grab the headlines. Numerous programs and apps are being designed around the availability of broadband internet that is drawing us more and more deeply into a webbed world (pun intended!), which we can control from just sitting in front of our computers at home.

Why is Broadband the Best for Heavy Internet Users?

Why is Broadband the Best for Heavy Internet Users

Who would have thought a century ago that life would be so ruled by the internet that we would need it for everything ranging from kids’ homework to making free calls, office work and even watching movies and engaging in sports activities like tennis, boxing and cycling (with Nintendo Wii gaming).

Is a Broadband Internet Connection a Necessity now?

Broadband Internet Connection a Necessity now

Though many people may joke about others being on the internet all the time, the bland truth is that broadband internet has woven itself so deeply into our lifestyles that being without it leaves us feeling like being out on a limb! Currently there is a big debate raging on this topic with many people postulating that broadband internet is a necessity while others are of the opinion that it is a luxury afforded by the well-heeled ones.

Earlier on, when internet was a relatively new thing, with the slow dial-up system linked to a phone line, it was usually used minimally for emailing purposes. But since internet service providers noticed the interest shown in this facility, a newer and faster version was developed known as broadband internet. With the high speeds of data transfer available and numerous programs that utilize it, people have incorporated its use into almost all aspects of their lives.

From watching news online in the morning to shopping online and keeping in touch with friends and family, broadband internet has innumerable uses. It has become absolutely essential for research work by university scholars as well as for school students in doing their homework and projects. Since not everyone is able to attend physical classes, either due to lack of time or due to distance constraints, there are many online educational courses available now that you can study from home with the help of broadband internet; this wouldn’t have been possible in the earlier days of dial-up internet.

Another important use of the high-speed broadband internet is working remotely from the office, that is, from home. This empowers people to be able to work at their own convenience. People who want to be useful, but can’t invest full working hours, can work as freelancers from home too, using the broadband as a tool. With so much information available on the net, searching for jobs also just got easier as most employers prefer to advertise cheaply on the internet where a maximum number of net-surfers can be found. The internet is also where we now pay our bills instead of wasting time, resources and effort queuing up at offices to pay them; it’s also where we now do our banking and get our credit card statements.

Aside from all these uses, broadband internet is a great provider for entertainment at home. Downloading movies and streaming live videos is the current rage among the youth. Many people spend hours watching YouTube or playing online video games in their free time from the comfort of their home. A Wi-Fi at home helps in keeping the peace among family members as more than one person can be logged on at the same time on the internet, without disturbing the others.

In 2016, the United Nations Human Rights Council recognized that high speed broadband is not a luxury, but a necessity and has the great potential to accelerate human progress. It facilitates ‘huge opportunities for affordable and inclusive education, globally’. Just the way the phone was considered a necessity for survival earlier, broadband internet is the new survival tool. Indeed, it is the future of world economy, prosperity and society as a whole.

Choosing a Plan for Light Internet Use

Application of Internet - Asianet Broadband

Technology has taken over our lives to the extent that we find ourselves at a loose end when we are plucked out of our internet-cocooned life. We suddenly find it very hard to cope up with life as we have become so used to the broadband internet for most of our daily activities, starting from payment of bills and communications to office work and entertainment.

Why does a Home with Children Need Broadband?

Why does a Home with Children Need Broadband?

Times are a changing, so much so that most aspects of life are now becoming irrevocably linked to the internet. Since the advent of the broadband internet with its wider bandwidth and greater downloading speeds, internet usage has been receiving glaring attention and being incorporated into most home and businesses activities. Aside from its usage in the office where emails and large data files have to be exchanged, it’s also needed to operate numerous apps to enable optimal functioning of the office.

Why are Senior Citizens Enjoying Broadband Internet?

Senior Citizens Enjoying Broadband Internet

There is something to be said about the circle of life. When we are young, we are physically weak and dependent on the others. The same carries through when we reach the zenith of our lives and achieve that prestigious place in life called ‘senior citizens’, where wisdom and experience is aplenty, but the average human body is again weakened and incapable of enjoying complete independence.

The only difference is that after having lived an active and vigorous life, it’s difficult to accept that you are really not strong enough anymore to be on the move continuously. And this is when the broadband internet comes into play…..sitting in the cozy comfort of their own homes, the senior citizens can still access the world virtually through the internet! This gives them the feeling of being a part of the outside world, and not some redundant piece of flotsam lying around uselessly.

The trend in most places is for the children to move out of the country for higher studies and work; this leaves the parents at a loose end and insecure. But with our highly reliable broadband connections, and our 24×7 customer service, we at Asianet Broadband services provide the best high-speed internet facilities possible for these senior citizens to stay connected with their families through cheap internet-assisted phone calls and video calls. This is a great boon for these lonely parents left behind as it helps them share the lives of their loved ones virtually, even though thousands of miles separate them.

One can easily access the internet for news and latest global events through various online news portals that not only keep the senior citizens busy in a gainful manner, but also helps them feel connected to the outside world and reduce their feelings of isolation. Through the internet, they are also able to keep themselves entertained with watching movies and YouTube.

A variety of internet-based technologies can empower senior citizens to lead more fulfilling, productive and independent lives. Though many elderly households in rural Kerala do not realize the significance of broadband internet and how it can enrich the quality of their life, majority of senior citizens in the urban and suburban areas are aware of its potential for empowerment. Broadband connectivity offers five major benefits and opportunities to senior citizens in the areas of social connection, health preservation, personal fulfillment, functional capability as well as support from caregivers.

High-speed connectivity can help senior citizens to still be able to work from home as many businesses work from the remote location concept, thus empowering these people to remain productive in spite of being home-bound. They can also operate their own businesses from their homes, helping them stay financially independent as well as feeling empowered. It also keeps their minds working, thus preventing mental disabilities too. They can access various forums, social blogging sites, etc, to stay connected with other people and sharing their ideas.

And believe it or not, online gaming such as Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Wii can also help these people stay physically fit and active while staying home! …so yes, senior citizens do have a reason to smile when it comes to the broadband internet!

Myths about Broadband Internet


Internet connectivity has gone international and made the world into a global village and within easy reach of the common man. Broadband internet connection has become popular over the years since its inception and is available all over the world. Even the economically-backwards countries have gone all out to become fully connected to the internet as it’s a great stimulator for economic growth. Not only that, it’s an important tool for distant education, dissemination of information as well as for communication and keeping in touch with people spread out in any corner of the world, at a nominal cost.

The Advantages of Broadband over 4G


Interestingly, the internet has become a necessity for living in this modern world of ours, just like water, air and food….more so in the urban areas as compared to the rural areas. Internet broadband service providers like our flagship company, Asianet Broadband have been around for 25 years or so in Kerala, providing easily accessible broadband internet through a network of cables spread out through all the nooks and crannies of the state. And that’s a major advantage that traditional broadband internet holds over a comparatively new newcomer like 4G internet.

Does prepaid broadband suit everyone?

Broadband Connection

The world has been silently and sneakily changing over the years following the introduction of the broadband and now a new era has dawned where the situation has become one where people are unable to live their daily lives without being hooked up to the broadband internet! And it’s not just the offices and businesses, but students, young and older alike, as well as home-makers too who depend on it on a daily basis for their day-to-day needs. In fact, children right from their kindergarten days are taught to use the computer and this slowly progresses to playing video games online with mothers putting on interesting movies on YouTube to keep their children entertained.