The Future of OTT Platforms in India

ott platforms in india

The pandemic and subsequent lock-downs affected almost every aspect of life and people had to make changes and adapt to a ‘new normal’. With most industries being affected adversely, there was a need to evolve and reinvent the way things worked to get out of the backlash of the pandemic.

Tips to Keep Your Online Bank Account Secure

switching to online banking

The 21st century has brought many changes with it as the world moved online. This includes banking services too. Now you no longer need to drive down to the bank as almost every type of transaction can be conducted online over the computer or on your smartphone.

Benefits of Online Courses for Upskilling

advantages of online classes

Online learning and upskilling are what kept the education and learning sectors up and running during the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend is growing in popularity and may soon become mainstream for attending schools and colleges, receiving job training or updating skills workers.

How to Stay Protected from Cyber Crimes?

cyber crime precautions

With most businesses have gone online and the world shifting to a new internet-driven world, there is greater ease of living now. One doesn’t need to step out of their comfort zone to get things done anymore as most services and transactions are available at the click of a mouse.

How Will 5G Technology Transform Our World?

benefits of 5g

Wireless technology has evolved significantly from the earlier 1G network days and is now over a thousand times faster and more effective than the current 4G technology. And with 5G, the world is standing on the brink of unleashing the fifth generation of cellular networks where the speeds are more than 100 times faster than even the 4G networks.

How to Use the Internet to Consult Your Doctor?

telemedicine consultation

The internet has redefined the way doctors and patients interact. With lengthy paper files giving way to electronic medical records, doctor visits are no longer about wasting half the day hanging around in the hospital.

How Can the Internet Help You in Preparing for Competitive Exams?

online exam preparation tips - asianet broadband

In today’s fast-moving world, competition is the way forward to getting your foot into the doorway to success. There are so many competitive exams to help you attain your dream job. With high-speed internet access, you can prepare for exams comfortably from home.

Emerging Innovations in Wireless Technologies

wireless technologies - asianet broadband

Wireless network technologies are positioned perfectly to have a major impact on component development for emerging innovations and their applications. These products could range from drones to robots to AI driven vehicles to modern medical devices.

A Guide to Internet Plans for Students Studying from Home

e learning from home - asianet broadband

Earlier on, it was the distance learning courses that were the reason behind students studying from home; the pandemic has further consolidated this method of studying for regular school-goers too. The only difference is that there is greater dependence on the internet for studying.

Tips to Run Your Own Business Using the Internet

online business tips - asianet broadband

The internet has been a boon to mankind and is being used for almost everything in daily life. It has revolutionized the way people do business too. E-commerce is the best way to grow your business with minimal financial investment. The internet has enabled numerous small companies to grow into major corporations in record time too.