The Advantages of Broadband over Mobile Hotspot

benefits of broadband - asianet broadband

The internet has taken over the day-to-day functioning of people on a global scale. The pandemic has further emphasized the internet’s importance with almost every aspect of life having gone online – including business, commerce, education, entertainment and even socializing.

How Can the Internet Help You in Job Search?

career search - asianet broadband

Earlier it was the newspapers and active networking that got you to meet potential employers and jobs. Times have changed and while the old system still works, the internet has taken over the role of helping with job searches.

5 Best Online Multiplayer Games to Play with Your Friends

best multiplayer games - asianet broadband

There is only so much of movies or serial episodes that you can watch before craving human interaction. The pandemic and its associated ‘social distancing’ and ‘staying home to stay safe’ have gone a long way in enhancing dependence on the internet for staying socially connected.

Tips to Stabilize Your Wi-Fi Connection

make wifi stable - asianet broadband

Whether you are working from home or just enjoying surfing the net in your leisure time, stable Wi-Fi is of utmost importance. And if you are experiencing long buffering periods, sluggish Wi-Fi or unstable speeds, it’s time to find out why this is happening. Before calling up your ISP, try out the following tips to stabilize your connection by yourself first:

How to Avoid Frequent Broadband Disconnection?

internet disconnection - asianet broadband

It gets very frustrating when there are frequent broadband disconnections, whether it’s while working from home or simply surfing the net in your leisure time. As there can be multiple reasons behind this, the solutions are equally diverse too. You will first need to check whether it’s just one device that’s experiencing broadband disruptions or all the internet-enabled devices that are experiencing the same.

Guide to Buy Hardware for Internet Services

broadband hardware - asianet broadband

The present day world revolves around internet-enabled devices; however, for your internet dependent appliances to work smoothly, you need to buy some hardware too for creating a smooth connection between your internet source and your digital devices.

Best Internet Connection for Online Teaching

internet for online classes

The pandemic has led to many changes in every sector of life. Aside from most jobs, banking, shopping and socializing going online, education and teaching too has gone the same way. And for all this to happen smoothly, you need a reliable high-speed broadband connection from a good service provider.

Internet Habits that Waste Time Online During Work

internet habits - asianet broadband

The online world is an amazing space that can keep you glued to it for hours on end. Having said that, it can also become a major source of distraction when you are ‘at work’. Here’s a look at some internet habits that waste work time, and tips on overcoming them:

How to Protect Your Identity from Theft Online?

identity theft protection - asianet broadband

The online world is an exciting jungle where all kinds of activities take place – including identity theft! This refers to any kind of scam or deception resulting in the loss of important personal data. These could include passwords, credit card numbers, banking information, etc., which are stolen with the sole intention of committing fraud and crimes. For some, this could lead to huge financial losses that take months to resolve, if at all, while others have had to pay for crimes committed by someone who has stolen their identity.

Choosing the Right Internet Service to Sell Your Products Online

sell products online - asianet broadband

The digital world has grown so large today that it encompasses almost every aspect of day-to-day life. Daily activities ranging from working, studying, banking, socializing, shopping, gaming and all aspects of entertainment have now moved online. Life has become so dependent on the internet, that having a reliable high speed broadband has become an absolute necessity – especially for those sellers who are into e-commerce and sell their products online.