How Does 5G Technology Enhance the Internet of Things (IoT)?

5g internet of things

For those not in the know, the Internet of Things, or IoT, basically refers to the network of physical objects (or things), that have sensors or software embedded in them to enable connecting with other devices over the internet, and exchanging data. Examples of IoT-enabled devices could be a smart light, a smart thermostat, or your garage gate that can be switched on or off from anywhere, with just a tap on a smartphone app.

How to Increase Internet Speed in Mobiles

mobile Internet speed

Everyone has been through those hair-raising moments at one time or another when they had to suffer through moments of phone silence due to internet buffering. There are multiple reasons why your phone could be experiencing slow or lagging internet connection, and it doesn’t always have to do with your ISP. The slow data connection on your mobile phone could be due to network congestion, poor connectivity, or having something to do with too many apps running in the background on your phone.

What is Internet Banking?

internet banking

With the advent of the internet, almost everything has been moving online. This includes banking services too. Internet banking, also known as Net banking or online banking, enables customers to utilize banking services using the internet. This facility empowers the customers, enabling them to avail of simple services from the comfort of their homes. The PC or smartphone becomes an extension of the bank’s services; but for this service, you will need to register with your bank first. For this, you will need to generate a customer ID and password to log into your account through net banking.

What are the Uses of the Internet ?

internet uses

The internet has changed the way the world works forever. Now almost anything can be successfully executed online, whether it’s education, shopping, banking, or entertainment! And to accomplish all this, you don’t even need to step out of the comfort of your home. Here’s a look at some of the things you can do using the internet:

What Are the New Social Media Rules?

social media rules

The advent of the internet has changed the way people live, interact and socialize. Online websites now offer a platform for people to share their opinions and participate in social networking. Nations and miles have become a thing of the past with people being able to chat in real-time or make video calls. However, as with everything else, there is always the danger of misuse of the facility too.

Wi-Fi or Broadband – Which is Better?

wi-fi or broadband

The world is getting increasingly hooked to the internet – and becoming a better place for it too. Technological advancements in this field have thankfully meant that people also now have access to faster broadband speeds than ever before. The Wi-Fi has also been upgraded to keep up with broadband developments, but still, a misconception exists about the two. Many people are under the impression both terms refer to the same thing, but the truth couldn’t be further than this!

How to Improve Bandwidth Speeds

bandwidth speed

Everyone has been through that stage when the internet connection seems excruciatingly slow and webpages take so long to load and videos take forever to buffer. Chances are that you need to improve your bandwidth speed. Here’s a look at some easy steps to getting your speeds back to peak levels again:

What is Internet Lag? How to Stop It?


A fast broadband connection makes for greater surfing satisfaction, increased productivity, improved gaming experiences, live streaming and online video meetings. But then there is also the proverbial thorn with the rose, and its called lag or latency. Lag is known to slow down connectivity, pixelate your video calls, freeze up your video games, leading to delayed live experiences and generally lead to significantly reduced data transmission.

How Broadband Works

broadband works

Broadband has become an integral part of life today and refers to high speed internet connections that enable you to enjoy all devices connected to the internet. Its roots lie in the older dial-up connection system that was very slow compared to the modern-day broadband speeds available. This older system has given way to newer technologies that utilize copper cables, fiber optic cables as well as satellite connectivity.

What is Wi-Fi Calling and How Does it Work?

wi-fi calling

Are you familiar with Wi-Fi calling, but uncertain about its functionality or how to enable it? Wi-Fi calling enables users to make calls utilising a dependable internet connection rather than relying exclusively on mobile networks. It offers superior call quality, particularly in regions with poor cellular coverage. By harnessing the capabilities of the internet, Wi-Fi calling provides a dependable and convenient communication solution for users worldwide.